Hello dear ones!
One story I’m super familiar with is, why is it taking so long to get where it is I want to go: ie for a business to reach a certain revenue or client goal, or particular kind of new job to manifest, or getting a creative project where you want it to be.
I see my clients struggle with this kind of “it’s taking too long” story all the time, and I know it in myself all too well. We usually use this story as ammunition against ourselves, and to take us farther down the dreaded dead end thinking of, “I’m never going to have what I want” plus “I’m a complete failure and nimrod.”
Right. Well if you read my last blog post, (scroll down for it), then you know, I believe in the life you want. And I believe you get to have it and live it.
So, let’s get this all in perspective and employ a few tools to get us out of the deep end here.
So many of you are not only creating an amazing business or creative project, but you are also mothers, or run a second business, or work another job to pay the bills, or run marathons, do political activism, or any number of other TIME-CONSUMING and important projects. So let’s create some space and gentleness around timing for achieving for goals with all these other pieces in mind.
Yes, I’m suggesting you open your perspective and look at ALL the big important pieces of your life, get quiet with yourself, and then, feel into what your goal date is. It will likely get pushed back.
It’s frustrating, I know, to push back goal dates, but it also creates inner peace, self-acceptance, and acknowledgement of the other kick ass things you are doing. And all of that creates more flow, an environment where self-worth can uplift and your ability to manifest INCREASES, which helps you move to where you want to go with more ease and joy.
Most of us have also eaten an erroneous story that businesses are built overnight, creative projects come to be with one big creative session, etc. Spend some time communing with one great and magnificent oak tree and you will know deep your bones this is just not so.
With love and blessings!