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You have permission to dream big

You have permission to create big

You have permission to be YOU

Empathic, creative, entrepreneurs, I’m here to help you stop hiding out and step forward with your brilliant soul aligned gifts and make your vision your reality.

 Hi! I'm Erica. If there’s something you’d like to create in your life but it feels out of reach or even impossible, welcome, this is the place for you. Maybe you’d like to up level your business to this incredible vision that keeps poking at you, or you’d like that perfect creative job with the perfect work/life balance with a company that inspires your natural values, or maybe it’s an inner state your after, a life of more ease and abundance with supportive friends and community. 

The dream is here but so is the overwhelming self-doubt, the finger pointing inner critics, the tensions between who you SHOULD be and the whisper of what your heart wants to be. The fears of judgement (oh what will be they say!) and showing up authentically. And just maybe some indecision around how to make it happen. All of this is painful, paralyzing, and really hard to get out of, or move forward with alone. I know, I’ve been here so many times myself.

The good news is that all of this can be transformed. I have a firm belief that when we shift and heal our inner world, our outer world radically transforms. When we look deeply into what is true for us and say yes to our true nature, when we notice the critics and transform those beliefs into ones of liberation, when we feel our feelings and release old hurts, when we LISTEN to our intuition and when we TAKE INSPIRED ACTION, incredible things happen. Incredible things manifest. Ease and abundance flow in. 

That’s what we do together. TELL ME MORE!


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