Yesterday I stepped outside my comfort zone and taught a Live class in the Feminine Frequency global festival to 3900 people. Ok, well, 3900 are in the Facebook group and about 10 showed up for the class. :) But it’s now and forever in the FB group, so I imagine it will be viewed again and again.
If you missed it, you can catch it here:
There are sooo many amazing presentations during the week. Go check it out!
One of the things I talked about was inner permission.
Inner permission to dream and know your desires and what you want is a gift to yourself.
Inner permission to experiment and try something and be clumsy at it, is a gift to yourself.
Inner permission to take a risk is a gift to yourself.
There were a lot of women presenting at the festival who have had A LOT of experience speaking in public and doing webinar’s. I was not one of them.
In fact, yesterday was my first time speaking at something like that. Cue lots of freaking out before hand.
Did I need to give myself permission to be imperfect? Absolutely.
Did I need to give myself permission to fail? Absolutely.
Did I need to give myself permission to feel clumsy and awkward and like I didn’t know what I was doing? Absolutely.
And guess what? It was awesome! Awesomely imperfect and wonky and less than polished AND the women who attended got new insights and new ways to move forward. AND I felt so exhilarated after. It was a win-win.
That’s an example of permission in order to take inspired action, or to stretch. But most often you just need permission to be YOU inside your own self.
How much inner permission do you gift yourself?
Do gift yourself permission to dream?
Do you gift yourself permission to believe what you want is possible?
Do you gift yourself permission to believe the universe will support you?
Or are your dreams chopped down like weeds before it even has a chance to root, even a little?
If you can’t let your desires live fully inside you, how will they ever come to be your reality?
If you can’t give yourself permission to cultivate positive, life affirming thoughts, how will you create that positive life affirming business or LIFE that you want?
Inner permission to dream is THE very first step in the pathway of manifestation.
Just some fertilizer for your garden on this smokey in California Tuesday.
Please send me an email and tell me how this resonated, or if it did!
Blessings to you!