Hi good people!
I have a new workshop on the calendar and I’m super excited about it because frankly manifestation has changed my life.
We all have things we want (a new job, a life partner, a home to buy, a vacation,) AND we all have ways we sabotage ourselves. Yours might be SO much “doing and forcing” that you’re exhausted from working and controlling AND you still don’t have what you want, OR it might be a lot of paralysis and non-doing because of over-analysis, uncertainty, indecision, fear and anxiety. Neither side of this coin feels good and in fact both are rooted in believing it’s not possible, one side over-compensates by doing more and the other, well we just give up before we’ve tried (I fall into the latter camp).
Manifestation is the perfect balm for either ill because it moves us towards balance, giving us insights into and ways to look at our inner life that spark inner transformation, and at the same time offering us some universal principles we can harness to bring what we want to us, so we don’t have to “do” so much. And that, my friends is good for everyone!
Oh, and I almost forgot the best part, it works!!!
SO, come to my workshop! I’ll be doing some coaching, teaching, AND we’ll plant a potted paper white bulb which you can take home for the holiday season! Plus it’s in a super chic floral design studio so it’s a fun place to hang for a couple hours.
If you come you will:
Clarify your dream and give yourself permission to receive it (very important)
Plant and leave with a flowering holiday bulb, a paper white
Deeply learn and integrate the seeding technique so you can use it over and over
Learn Two practical manifestation techniques you can use now
Leave inspired and grounded
November 24th, 10-12:30pm - $60
Limited to 12 people
At the studio of This Humble Abode and Max Gill Design floral Studio
5751 Horton St Emeryville
Email erica@blossomcoachingco.com to register or with questions
Blessings! Erica
What past participants have said about my manifestation workshops:
“I participated in a manifestation workshop with Erica earlier this year while selling my house and preparing for a big move out of the country. I arrived without a clear idea of what I wanted to manifest, and walked away feeling confident and with tools to reach my goals...and it worked! Erica created a safe space for us to share our ambitions and fears and completely changed my mindset and feelings towards them. She is a very intuitive person, and leads from a place of knowledge and compassion...because she has done this work herself and believes in it. Our thoughts, words, and actions are so powerful, and learning how to unblock ourselves from self sabotage and allow abundance to take shape in our lives, with the help of a trusted guide is the best. “ Sarah R.