Are you feeling stuck, trapped, or just plain left out of creating abundance in your life?
Does it seem like everyone around you can create big abundance in the form of money, career success, and all the rest and for some reason, it’s just not happening for you? Or at least not as big and flowing as you would like?
I know the feeling. I felt like I was left out of the “abundance” category of the spiritual/personal development world for a long, long time. This is a painful place to be, especially for someone who’s sensitive and tuned in to all the feelings.
I’ve worked for literally a decade to shift this energy for myself and now I’ve worked with dozens of empathic women to shift them into abundance.
It’s 100% possible for you to shift this, but. . . .
If you are an empath, a sensitive, or even a soul-centered creative, there’s a few extra pieces inner work that need to be in place to really call in the force of creative abundance.
What? More work to do for empaths? I’m so sorry but it’s true.
What’s also true is that your gifts are important and special and the world needs them. It just takes a little extra care to get them out and tune into the flow that is abundance.
Doing these extra pieces will make your gifts more poignant, more powerful, more impactful.
When we shift our inner world, our outer world shifts. One is a reflection of the other. You have the ability to shift this dynamic.
You can do this.
DOWNLOAD my guide: CREATING ABUNDANCE: the 4 Pathways (and Blocks) for Empaths
Hi! I'm Erica Venegas, intuitive coach, and I'm dedicated to helping empathic, creative entrepreneurs step out of hiding, shine big, and manifest their dreams. Learn more me here, blossomcoachingco.com