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faster. smoother. with more healing. more insight. more action. more nervous system regulation. more capacity. more rest. more boundaries. more balance. and more authenticity.

sound good? I’m ready if you are.

Hi! I'm Erica. I’m a somatic and integrative counselor and coach and I can help you access your true inner reservoirs of knowing and energy so you can create the life, relationships, business, financial reality, health and community you know is possible for you.

You might intuitively know how your life/relationships/business/health COULD be but old deeply ingrained patterns hold you back from taking the actions, setting the boundaries, AND holding the loving, positive, forward oriented mindset that you know you need to create this reality.

This is 100% normal. As an advanced student of Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing trauma resolution , I understand how stuck patterns in your nervous system from your family system, past traumatic events or even events before you were born can keep you hostage in old patterns.

The AMAZING news is that all of this can be healed and transformed, and even better that your system is designed to heal and orient towards authenticity and success when given the right elements and environment.

Over the past ten years I’ve worked with hundreds of women (and some men), often empaths, creatives, entrepreneurs, people pleasers and big feelers to close unhelpful and draining patterns and step forward towards proudly shining your gifts into the world.

I work as a somatic counselor to help heal a system recovering from difficult or traumatic childhoods or relationships, and I also work as a somatic coach to help you as an entrepreneur or leader to access new levels of leadership, self-actualization and success and fulfillment in business and relationships.

Check out my offerings to see which is best for you!

I have a firm belief that when we shift and heal our inner world, our outer world radically transforms. When we look deeply into what is true for us and say yes to our true nature, when we notice the critics and transform those beliefs into ones of liberation, when we feel our feelings and release old hurts, when we LISTEN to our intuition and when we TAKE INSPIRED ACTION, incredible things happen. Incredible things manifest. Ease and abundance flow in. 

That’s what we do together. TELL ME MORE!


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